Eradicating bovine TB in NZ

As part of our TBfree programme we deliver our pest control operations through a framework of TB management areas (TMAs). TMAs are areas with known TB infection in livestock or wildlife. Each TMA has a specific TB control plan designed to eradicate TB as effectively as possible.

Map showing boundaries of Lindis TB management areaThe Lindis TMA

The Lindis TMA covers more than 60,000 hectares, and is in Central Otago. It is situated north of State Highway 8, between Tarras and the Lindis Pass. It stretches along the Clutha River to Albert Town and Lake Hawea, and follows the true left ridge of Timaru River to the head of the valley.

The habitat consists of undulating high-production pastoral land, and steeper slopes and faces leading up to high peaks. Many water catchments divide the TMA, with gullies and main valleys throughout.

History of TB and pest control in Lindis

The Lindis TMA has a long history of TB infection in cattle herds and wildlife. We found a TB-infected:

  • ferret in 2016
  • herd in 2019 and 2023.

We completed:

  • ground control in East Hawea, Long Gully and Upper Lindis in 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2022/2023, and 2023/2024
  • aerial control in East Hawea in 2014/2015 and 2023/2024
  • a ferret survey in East Hawea in 2023/2024.

Current state

As of June 2024, there are no infected herds in the Lindis TMA.

Future pest control operations

We plan our pest control operations up to 3 years in advance. The current year runs from July 2024 to June 2025.

Dates and control methods for pest control operations in Lindis are provisional and subject to change. If you’re affected by any upcoming operations, our pest control contractors will contact you before work begins. They will:

  • talk you through the specifics of each operation
  • explain what you need to do before the operations start
  • get your consent for the work to be done.
Type of controlWhenCoverageWhere
Ground control2024/20254700haEast Hawea
Ferret survey2024/20252000haEast Hawea

Map of 2024/2025 pest control operations

The proposed areas for ground control are marked in green on the map, and the proposed areas for wildlife surveillance are marked in blue.

Interactive map showing Lindis TB management area boundaries, Vector Control Zone, and proposed control areas.


Rentokil Initial manages eradication activities in the Lindis TMA. Contact them directly if you have feedback or questions about upcoming operations.

Rentokil Initial

Phone: 0508 767 786


OSPRI office

PO Box 3412

Wellington 6140

Phone: 0800 482 463
