This winter we completed two 1080 aerial operations over 70,000 hectares trialling aerial low sow baiting and deer repellent bait. The outcomes were excellent for sustainable possum control and deer survival in the high-country environment.
TB slaughter levies for cattle were reduced on 1 October 2021. Dairy cattle will now be charged a levy of $9.00 per head and beef cattle $5.50 per head. It is important that you check you are being charged the correct TB slaughter levy.
Need to update your NAIT account? Or confused about what to do? We’re holding a number of NAIT workshops throughout October and November in the Southern, Otago and South Canterbury regions.
As movement through Auckland is still very restricted and is likely to be for some time, we have kept the NAIT reporting timeframe extensions we put in place at Alert Level 4. The following timeframes are now in place until Thursday 21 October:
Are you passionate about the value of disease management and animal traceability? Why not consider joining your local OSPRI committee?
Our Wellington Region and Gisborne Committee AGMs are coming up and we’re looking for new committee members. Committee members have the opportunity to provide feedback on current issues from their farmer or industry networks.