OSPRI News: January 2025

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A herd of cows in a farmDisease Control Area changes include movement restrictions in East Taupō

We are expanding the central North Island Movement Control Area (MCA) for cattle and deer to include the area east of Lake Taupō.

Since late 2023, we've worked closely with farmers in the area who have been affected by TB infection within their livestock.

Our investigation confirmed that the disease pathway was contact with infected possums which, in New Zealand, are the main hosts of TB in wildlife.

With a greater understanding of the status of TB in the area, we are expanding movement control restrictions for cattle and deer currently in place nearby, to include the area east of Lake Taupō. This new MCA comes into effect from 1 February 2025, and earlier this month we advised any affected properties by letter.

For clear status herds located in a Movement Control Area, all cattle and deer aged three months or older must complete a TB test within 60 days prior to the movement occurring, unless the animals are moving directly to slaughter.

Disease Control Area changes in other areas

New Zealand is divided into a number of Disease Control Areas (DCAs). Each have different TB testing regimes and other control measures depending on the level of risk of TB being transferred from infected wildlife (mainly possums) to domestic cattle and deer.

Some areas in the North Island will see a reduction in testing frequency requirements. Areas to the west of Lake Taupō and Mount Ruapehu, plus areas in the central Wairarapa are changing from annual testing to biennial. Large areas of the Waikato, Taranaki, Manawatu-Whanganui are changing from biennial to surveillance testing.

In recent years there have been substantial changes in the South Island, and it’s considered that no changes are needed for the upcoming year.

Overall, these changes will result in 3000 cattle and deer herds being required to test less often.

For more information on DCA changes, please refer to the page below.

Bringing TB testing in-house

Late last year, we announced that we were moving forward with plans to bring on-farm TB testing in-house. Since then, we've made good progress, working with AsureQuality as they step away.

In late November we opened an expression of interest (EOI) for Field Technician roles, which was open to current and former AsureQuality staff, as well as OSPRI's people. We received a healthy response to the EOI, and interviews are set to take place during February.

In December, a new approach to on-farm testing was approved, to be adopted on 1 July when OSPRI moves TB testing in-house.

As part of this approach, we are developing a selection process to determine which herds will be eligible for on-farm TB testing. The timing of testing is important, and we are seeking to optimise the distribution of TB tests throughout the year and throughout the country, allowing for the seasonal constraints of farming in New Zealand.

We are committed to continuing to provide the same high standard of testing and disease investigation that has been a feature of the programme to date.

Looking ahead, our future operating model is progressing as a priority, and we aim to have this finalised soon. We're looking forward to sharing more with you once this is complete.

TB pest management plan review now underway

OSPRI has made huge strides in the fight against bovine tuberculosis (TB). From a peak of nearly 1700 infected cattle and deer herds in 1994 to just 14 in December 2024, eradication of the disease is in sight.

Our current goal is eradication of bovine TB from New Zealand by 2055, with a milestone target of livestock TB freedom by 2026.

New Zealand is a world leader in the control and management of bovine TB - few countries with a TB wildlife problem have had the same level of success. In New Zealand, wild possums are the main carriers of TB and we have managed to significantly reduce the land area harbouring TB-infected possums.

Critical to this success is that the TBfree programme is driven and funded by those directly affected – farmers. In other countries, TB control sits with government agencies whereas here OSPRI is directly accountable to farmers through the levy group shareholders DairyNZ, Beef + Lamb New Zealand and Deer Industry New Zealand, as well as the Ministry for Primary Industries.

A 10-yearly independent review of the TB pest management plan is underway. This winter, farmers will be asked for their input towards planning for the next 10 years – for example, can we eradicate faster, what are the cost savings and risks, should we put more focus eradicating TB out of the vectors (possums) and less on eradicating out of herds, knowing that until we have possums free of the disease our herds will always be at risk.

It will take a collaborative effort to eradicate TB completely, involving farmers, Māori entities including iwi, hapu, and trusts, community groups, councils and government agencies. Your insights are invaluable, and we encourage you to have your say when the public consultation is released in June.

Changes to the MBfree programme

In the coming months, we will introduce new obligations affecting: 

  • suppliers, receivers and transporters of raw milk for cattle feed from 1 July 2025 
  • a small number of high-risk businesses
  • laboratories testing for Mycoplasmas bovis (M. bovis) commercially

We will work with those impacted over time to implement the changes. We anticipate that overall, most farmers will not notice any significant differences in the field.  

Changes to the M. bovis programme (MBfree) are more likely as we gain further confidence that M. bovis is absent. This will ensure that we continue to adapt to the work ahead, minimise cost and any disruption to farmers.

Properties in the programme are categorised as follows: Active Surveillance, Notice of Direction, Active Confirmed Property, and Cleared Confirmed Property. For more information, visit the link below.