The NAIT team has worked hard to engage effectively around the country on the proposal to increase NAIT levies.
We have attended over 25 events with the public and relevant primary sector representatives in the 5 weeks of consultation. These engagements aimed to detail the proposal and provide a platform for those affected by the proposal to ask questions and have their say.
The general feedback to date is summed up very well in the FedsNews article published on the 22nd of January: ‘When consultation on a proposed big jump in NAIT (National Animal Identification and Tracing Scheme) levies was announced, Federated Farmers grudgingly acknowledged the increases were necessary. ... But Meat & Wool Chair William Beetham said if the bigger revenue stream was secured, Feds would look to hold NAIT Limited to account on delivering a much more farmer user-friendly and fit for purpose system.’
OSPRI and partners are trailling rapid TB diagnostic tests which could be ground-breaking for the TBfree programme.
OSPRI Research Manager Dr Richard Curtis discusses how the testing of TB in samples could be confirmed in days rather than the current 3 month timeframe.
We have made progress controlling TB in possums in Otago and as a result, we are now in the position to reduce the area/number of herds that are required to complete pre-movement testing of herds.
The changes to Disease Control Areas and associated testing will come into effect from March 1, 2022.
Later this year all stock agents and livestock traders will be required to be registered to trade NAIT animals with a new system we’re developing.
This will improve compliance with animal movement registration and show greater transparency. It will also provide agents and their clients with confidence industry standards are being maintained.
Remember the following 3 actions to prevent a potential fine from MPI.