When you buy or sell calves, your NAIT and TBfree obligations remain the same as for other cattle. Make sure to:
If you’re buying calves, confirm with the seller:
When the animals arrive, read or scan the tags and make sure to create or confirm a receiving movement for them within 48 hours of the end of the day that you received them.
If you receive calves that are untagged, you’ll need to contact OSPRI. You can then either return the animals to the seller or tag and register them yourself.
If you’re selling calves, make sure they are tagged correctly and registered in NAIT before moving them off-farm.
Failing to tag and register your calves is an offence, unless they are exempt from tagging. Bobby calves under 30 days of age are exempt if they are going directly to slaughter from the property they were born on. You also need to:
If you’re sending animals to an accredited saleyard, they will record the movement on your behalf. However, the animals still need to be tagged and registered before this occurs.
If you’re moving animals from a Movement Control Area they will need to be pre-movement tested.
Want to make sure your calf movements go smoothly? Here are some top tips.
Our NAIT user guide videos contain step-by-step instructions on how to complete tasks in the NAIT system.
Our calving checklist simplifies the process of buying or selling calves into an easy-to-follow list.