From time to time, a farmer may contact us to dispute a movement that a saleyard has recorded.

We send a list of disputed movements to the relevant contact for each saleyard or stock company on a regular basis.

If your saleyard is notified by a PICA or by NAIT that a correction needs to be made to a recorded movement, you should action this as soon as possible to ensure the correct movement information has been recorded in the NAIT system.

Action required movements

The 'Action required movements' tab in your saleyard PICA's NAIT account will display a list of movements that need action. These are movements created or rejected by other PICAs that you need to action.

Rejected movements 

If a farmer denies receiving animals from your saleyard, they may reject the movement in their NAIT account. This will put the movement back onto your saleyard’s action required list. The farmer must provide a reason for rejecting the movement, and this will be displayed to your saleyard PICA.

Your saleyard PICA has 30 days from the date the movement was rejected to make changes. The saleyard PICA may need to follow up with the purchaser directly to fix up the movement. For example, it could be the case of incorrect NAIT location number provided by the purchaser and therefore saleyard has recorded the movement to a wrong destination.

Pending movements 

From time to time, if your saleyard hasn’t correctly recorded a movement, the purchaser may instead record a movement for animals they received. A seller can only record a movement to a saleyard by contacting our Support Centre.

Your saleyard PICA must review all pending NAIT movements against their sale records and take action.

  • If the animals were sent and the movement is correct, you must record a matching movement. 
  • If your saleyard has no record of sending the animals, you should reject the movement. 

PICAs have 30 days to rectify their mistakes, so the saleyard PICA must investigate and action changes within this timeframe.

If you need help with resolving a movement, contact our Support Centre or email 

Correcting a movement

You can correct a movement directly from an accredited NAIT number without accessing another PICA's account.