At a saleyard, a Person in Charge of Animals (PICA) can be either:
If the stock companies are independently appointed as PICAs for their own animals moved through the facility, then:
If the saleyard owner chooses to take responsibility for animals moved through the facility, then:
If a saleyard has paddocks nearby used for holding stock for extended periods, we recommend registering a separate NAIT location for the paddocks. This means it is easy to tell the difference between animals that have moved through the saleyard facility and those that have been held longer offsite.
Whoever is the primary person or company in charge of the paddocks will be the PICA and they should register the location with NAIT. Animals moved to/from the paddock must have a movement recorded in NAIT. See the NAIT system user guide for instructions to record a movement.
A saleyard PICA can nominate one or more persons as delegates to their account to help with NAIT recording. Delegate users have their own username and password for NAIT.
For example, if the stock company is the registered PICA, the administration staff should be listed as delegates to record movements on behalf of the company.
The legal responsibility stays with the registered PICA.