How to upload livestock slaughter details

Use this step-by-step guide to record kill information for smaller groups of animals in the NAIT system.
Graphic of a megaphone
  • To record kill information for smaller groups of animals with the same slaughter details, use the instructions below.
  • To record kill information for larger groups of animals at once, use a CSV file to do a bulk upload.

How to do a kill upload (CSV)

Log in to your NAIT account and follow these steps.

  1. 1 Select the NAIT number that received the animals you are recording.
  2. 2 Select Enter kill data.
  3. 3 Enter the NAIT number that the animals came from, number and type of animals that aren’t exempt from tagging, but arrived with no tag, and number and type of exempt animals. Enter a description of the exempt animals.
  4. 4 Enter the RFID tag number for each tagged animal received. Select Type in tag visual ID or RFID to manually type the tag numbers. Select Upload a file with tag numbers to do a bulk upload of RFID tag numbers using a CSV file.
  5. 5 Enter date of death, whether the animals were slaughtered, disposal method (note you can change this from the automated entry of Meat processor — for human consumption), and carcass disease status.
  6. 6 Select Save.