Bulk upload limits

Find out how many records you can upload into the NAIT system, in bulk.

When doing bulk uploads into the NAIT system, there is a limit to the number of records you can upload per function (for example, the number of animals that can be registered in 1 session).

The maximum number can increase or decrease depending on how you're uploading the information. You can upload information through:

  • third-party software (CSI)
  • a comma-separated values (CSV) file
  • the NAIT user interface (UI).

The table below shows the maximum number of records for each function.

NAIT number enquiry100
Animal enquiry1000
Next visual tag enquiry100
Reserve tag50005000
Upload tag1500010000
Tag update1000010000
Tag replace20001500250
Tag undo replace20001500250
Register animal20001500250
Animal update20001500250
Animal treatment10001000250
Deregister animal20002000500
Kill upload40002000750
Kill update20001000250
Kill remove20001000250
Create movement40002500500
Update movement40002500500
Create exempt animal movement40002500500
Delete exempt animal movement40002500500