The search and filter tools only return animal records that have the specific information you're searching for.
The Registered Animals tab for your NAIT number displays a list of animals currently registered at, or moved onto, your location.
There are 3 ways to search for animals after you log in to your NAIT account:
The results only show animals:
Follow these steps.
You can search by using the tag numbers in the following ways:
If you don’t know the specific RFID or visual ID tags you're looking for, or want to locate a specific group of animals, you can use the search and filter tools to narrow down your list.
Use the dropdown menus to filter by animal type, gender, status and production type.
The Tag Visual ID search allows you to narrow down your search for animals with specific birth-tag sequence range. Enter information on the visual ID tag to further filter the results.
The search and filter tools only return animal records that have the specific information you're searching for.
Select 'More search options' to search for animals:
If you want search results to include animals you've recorded in a sending movement from your NAIT number that aren't yet confirmed by the receiving PICA, check the tick box below Sending NAIT number.
You can use any of the search and filter tools, and more search options in combination to get a result. For example, to locate animals received from a specific NAIT location number in 2017 that you have since recorded as ‘dead’ you would enter: