What ASDs are

ASDs transfer important information about animals being sold or moved to their next location. This includes information about animal health and treatments, your farming practices, and TB incidence and testing.

How ASD information is used

As well as passing on information to a new Person in Charge of Animals (PICA), ASD information is important when deciding if animal products are suitable for overseas markets. They support the issuing of export certificates by the Government — vital to New Zealand's trade-dependent economy. Meat processors use the information to guide examinations of the animals before and after slaughter.

Who completes an ASD

If you are the PICA for any animals that must have an ASD before they move off farm, it is your responsibility to complete it.

If you buy animals from a saleyard, they pass on the ASD, which they will adjust if the number of animals on the vendor's ASD has changed.

Transport companies collect ASDs

Your transporter cannot complete the form. If you use a paper ASD form, they collect it when you send your animals and pass it on to the PICA receiving your animals.

If you complete the forms online using MyOSPRI, the transporter and the receiving PICA get a copy by email.

Animals you must complete an ASD for

You must complete an ASD form if you move any of these animals to another property, a saleyard or for processing:

  • Cattle and buffalo.
  • Deer, including fawn.
  • Sheep and lambs.
  • Goats.
  • Ostriches and emus.
  • Pigs — although the ASD form for pigs is different.


Bobby calves

You don't need to complete an ASD for every consignment of bobby calves going to slaughter. At the start of the season, your meat processor may ask you to complete a form for all bobby calves.

If you're moving calves to another property or a saleyard, you must still complete an ASD.

Alpacas, llamas and horses

You only need to complete an ASD for alpacas, llamas and horses if they're going to a meat processor.

Information you need to provide in an ASD

As well as providing information about yourself as a PICA in the ASD, you need to provide information about the animals, including:

  • how many, their type and breed, and where they came from
  • any veterinary or hormone treatment, and vaccinations they have had
  • their TB status.

If you're moving cattle or deer you also need your NAIT and TBfree herd numbers.

Declaration to Livestock Transporter (DLT)

If you're using a transport company to move your animals, they may ask you to complete a DLT. Unlike the ASD form, this doesn't need to be completed for all movements of animals.

You can complete a DLT at the end of the ASD forms we issue.

Completing an ASD

There are 2 ways to complete an ASD. You can use:

  • a paper form, or
  • MyOSPRI for electronic ASDs for cattle, deer and sheep being sent to slaughter or to another farm.

Getting ASD forms

You can download and print ASD forms from the Ministry for Primary Industries' website, including the one specifically for pigs. The forms must be printed exactly as published on their website at 100% of the A4 size.

You can also order a book of ASD forms from us.

Keep your ASDs

If you have:

  • sent animals off your property, you must keep a copy of their ASDs for 1 year
  • received animals onto your property, you must keep a copy of their ASDs for the period they are in your care, and for 1 year after that.

If you’re a meat processor, you must keep a copy of ASDs for 4 years.

If you don't have an ASD

If animals arrive at a property without a paper ASD and you don't receive an ASD by email, then the animals must:

  • be separated from all other stock and held until you receive a completed and signed ASD, or
  • returned to the supplier.

Contact your supplier or stock agent to request a copy of the ASD form.