The Council represents livestock industry sectors across the supply chain alongside central government and regional council. The Council advises and makes recommendations to the Board on operational policy associated with OSPRI programmes. The Council is also responsible for making recommendations to OSPRI's shareholders on appointments to the Board.

Our current Stakeholders' Council members are:

  • James Buwalda (Chair): Independent
  • Nicol Horrell: Local Government NZ
  • Scott Gower: Beef+Lamb New Zealand
  • Sam Hain: Federated Farmers of NZ (meat and wool)
  • Karl Dean: Federated Farmers of NZ (dairy)
  • Chris Lewis: DairyNZ
  • Shane Lodge: Dairy Companies Association of NZ
  • Craig North: NZ Deer Farmers' Association
  • Sirma Karapeeva: Meat Industry Association
  • Steve Morrison: NZ Stock & Station Agents Association
  • Don Wilson: Road Transport Sector
  • Ben Reddiex: Department of Conservation
  • Estelle Leask: Predator Free NZ Limited
  • Mary van Andel: Ministry for Primary Industries
  • To be confirmed: Deer Industry New Zealand.